Toward Empowerment
Have you lost much of the joy you once felt? Have years of messaging from family, social and professional voices led you to low self-worth? Do you feel under-valued by the world around you?
Women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ populations often experience social, environmental, and psychological challenges related to their own perceived value. Subtle negative messages or micro-aggressions can have a significant impact on sense of worth and well-being. If not addressed properly, these challenges can turn into burdens that often lead to a lost sense of self, disempowerment, and accepting ideas and decisions as ‘appropriate’, even when they aren’t.
Empowerment and Development Coaching
If you feel overwhelmed, stressed or burnt out, we can work together to find the confidence and emotional freedom to define and pursue your purpose in life. You likely know what you want to do differently or where you want to be, but just aren’t sure how to get there.
Devaluing social and professional messaging can take a serious toll on an individual’s emotional, physical, and mental health. The effects can be mild to extreme, and in many cases, people benefit from the support, encouragement, and reframing voice of an objective person in their corner.
If you feel that you have lost your “why” for life, lost your sense of adventure, and your sense of who you are and what is important for you; reach out today! And please visit my resources page for many helpful links to articles and support resources.
We can begin exploring your sense of personal value. I can help you see your strengths from a new perspective. You can begin to build (or re-build) a life you will celebrate!
I also provide clinical supervision for Graduate and Licensed Professional Counselor Candidates in the states of New Mexico and Pennsylvania. My philosophy of supervision and my role as clinical supervisor is to help new clinicians identify their strengths and to build on these, as well as to offer feedback if I see areas a clinician can improve presence or effectiveness in their clinical work. I direct clinician attention to their experience, feelings, transference/countertransference (if present), and personal awareness, so they can provide the best support and guidance possible for clients.
Offering HIPAA-compliant telehealth for clients in PA and NM.